Sunday, May 29, 2011

A New Beginning

With graduation only a few days away, I've been putting a lot of thought into whats about to unfold. I've come to realize that many people do one of two things as graduation nears- Get excited, or panic. Luckily my semi-rightful mind has been thrilled with excitement. I cant wait to start college, I can't wait to choose my own schedule, I can't wait to go to the library in between classes with a blanket, my laptop and an iced-2pump cinnamon-nonfat-nowhip-whitemocha while I study, or go to yoga classes at the university gym while I wait for my next class to start. I guess what I'm generally getting to is that I'm excited for the freedom of being able to make my own decisions, and not have an Assistant Principle or supervisor or parent make them for me. I always felt high school was like a farm filled with a herd of cattle that are told what to do and how to do it; theres little or no room for innovation or out-of-the-box learning. The conformist mentality of high school was always one of my pet peeves, too. I never understood why people were always trying to be like others. It's like no one bothers to be original, why? Some people take intellectuality as a joke, but those same people will be suffering and asking the smarter individuals for help when college bites them in the ass. Karma is a bitch.
On a lighter note, high school has provided me with many wonderful memories too. I've come to meet an incredible handful of people that have been friends with me through thick and thin, and I'm very appreciative of that. Wonderful memories like the bonding I had with the guys in my old computer engineering academy (we were almost like one big family in that class), or like when I went ice skating with some friends and fell and did an (unintentional and painful) split, or that time I went to the beach at night on a full moon with my friends and my newly acquired boyfriend, the time I beat my teacher at Scrabble, among many more memories are memories I'll never forget. On a different note, it's also time for me to go job hunting. I plan to apply to Starbucks (obviously), as well as many stores at Dadeland. I've never really had a job before, but I'm sure I'll do well. I hope my optimism never fades, but I doubt it will because I've been wanting to go to college since the first day of highschool.

Monday, May 2, 2011

The little things in life...

I think we should appreciate the little things in life sometimes, and not go day by day taking it for granted. Anything as insignificant as a hug does the trick of having a positive effect. Here are some of mine :)

- Chocolate covered pecans
- Espresso
- Random sweet text messages
- Chilled wine
- Hugs
- Eye contact
- When my friends approach me with random tech facts or updates
- Etiquette
- Magazines about innovative photography, art or apparel
- Flowers
- When someone asks "How are you?" and cares
- Laughs
- Dark Chocolate
- When someone holds the door for me :)

Can you think of some minuscule things that you never even realized put a smile on your face?